Number 10 - Marvel Legends by Toy Biz

Believe it or not Marvel Legends didn't appear until around 2002. I think these action figures were a game changer at the time. See, you either had wonky looking heroes or those ultra detailed McFarlane "toys" that were more like little statues. Marvel Legend came around and suddenly you had a toy that looked awesome and had tons of articulation. I remember seeing these in stores and it was the first time I was introduced to the concept of buy them when you see them, cause they will not be there on payday.
Number 9 - GI Joe 25th Anniversary

2007, not that long ago launched the 25th Anniversary of the GI Joe Real American Hero 3-3/4" figures. I remember seeing Toy Fair pictures of the first sets and thought, holy cow those are awesome. I needed them, had to have them. I didn't think I would ever find them in stores. Funny how you mind goes into the toy fever when new toys are announced. This series of figures continued till 2009 and the movie figures (using the same molds) were released. Still for a time this line was constantly on my mind.
Number 8 - Lego Batman

2006 brought us the most awesome set of Lego toy known to man. Non other than the Dark Knight himself. I for one didn't see this coming. I had planned to buy as much of this stuff as possible, but as with most Lego purchases I was limited. I still wish I would have picked up a few more sets. Lego could have its own top ten list and the Batman sets would still be in my top ten. Then they released the Batman Lego Video Game, which I just picked up, and brought a whole new dimension to Batman Legos, weeeeeeee Legos. Its fun just saying that word!
Number 7 - Hasbro's Rise of the Silver Surfer Toys

Another 2007 line. While the toys may have not been popular with most, I for one was ecstatic that the movie even came out. I have waited a loooooong time to see my favorite Marvel Hero on the silver screen. The toys for me were the icing on the cake. I still need to get the Silver Surfer on the Motor Cycle, that one is just too funny.
Number 6 - Minimates

I love Japanese style block figures and I love the Art Asylum take on these. It all started in 2002 with the larger 3" size, which in my opinion was the best size for these, and continued to this day with the much more accepted 2" body style. I remember when the 2" figures hit stores and Marvel lead the way! My favorite to this date is the Rhino, which I will have to post here in the future. It hasn't stopped with Marvel, DC joined the fray for a while, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Lord of the Rings, and on and on. I really haven't talked much about my love for Minimates, I'll have to correct that for 2010.
Quick note it was hard picking my top five, I really love all these toys and listing them in order was a challenge for me. Back to the list!
Number 5 - Hasbro Star Wars Early Bird Kit

I'm talking about the new take on the Early Bird Kit here, 2005, Revenge of the Sith brought this Original Trilogy Set into reality. I had heard about it months before hand, and then spent every waking moment scheming on how to get my hands on them. The whole adventure can be read here. Suffice it to say I never thought I would have a second shot at something like this, probably more for the fanboy I love these figures more than some of the other Star Wars figures that have been coming out since the mid nineties.
Number 4 - Mattel Retro Superheroes

2009, this one just flew in under the radar. It seems like it was announced and then it was here. I will go on record as saying I never thought I would see Mego or Mego-Like figures in stores again. This line is really just starting out with the bulk to be released throughout 2010. Green Arrow here did make it for 2009 and I have to say I am excited to see were this line will go. All thanks to the efforts of Dr. Mego, Paul Clarke, a founding member of EMCE toys. Thanks Paul! I can now have the DC line I didn't get when I was younger. The figures I want the most? Batman, the Flash and Aquaman.
Number 3 - Hasbro BMF Millennium Falcon

Holy crap, when I saw the spy pictures of this thing I freaked out, vowing that it would be mine. This was 2008 when it was released. It took me till 2009 to get one, but I did and now realize I don't have the room to store it. It's freaking huge! It's also loaded with awesome and a sprinkle of best freaking Star Wars vehicle ever!
As Ferris Bueller would say, if you have the means I would highly suggest picking one up!
Number 2 - EMCE Star Trek Retro Cloth Figures

A nice way to say Mego! Around 2006 these were announced. I immediately went to my local comic shop and plopped down the cash to reserve the first offering, Captain Kirk and the Klingon. Later I learned a lot of online retailers would be offering the rest of the set and I pretty much kept up with this set religiously. Like the Mattel Retro Superheroes, I never thought these would see the light of day, or that they would make as many as they have. Favorites? All of them! I even scored a Bridge Playset! The word on the "street" is 2010 will bring some more Star Trek goodies in this line!
Number 1 - Round 2 / AMT Mr. Spock and the Interplanetary UFO

Okay I cheated, two at number one, but in my defense they are both models released by the same company. Plus, as I was freaking out about one, I discovered the other was coming out as well. I have such fond memories of building these two kits as a kid and often thought about paying the high prices for the originals on ebay, except one is practically impossible to find there and the other was outrageous on the price. So when I saw these were coming out I knew I would do without lunch for a few weeks, sell blood or work for toys to get them.
I haven't put either one together, matter of fact I'm still waiting to get my UFO, but it's on the way and close enough to 2009 for me to include on this list. I plan on building Spock for the Spocklection and hopefully have my son's help, along with his awesome skills at painting figures, for the build. Since this will be the first time I have put together a kit in years I may even document all my frustration at building them up on the blog.
I can say this when I opened the box from CultTVMan's Models, an awesome shop by the way, excellent customer service and great to deal with, I had such a rush of nostalgia, it was like I was seeing this kit for the first time again at the dime store on the top shelf.
Well, that's my list. It has been a cool year, and great decade for toys, I hope everyone out there has a great 2010, Happy New Year from eclectorama!
I would expect Spock and startrek stuff in the top position in your list. Happy New year buddy! :)
I loved the fact that the Retro DC heroes was coming out. I was right there at noon on the 23rd getting that Green Arrow and have already reserved the rest of the group that's coming out in March. Those were hands-down my favorite toys in the 70's and I wish I'd taken better care of them. I know the new ones aren't exact replicas, but they're going to be close enough.
Another great post, man! Keep them up!
Great list, CB!!
I've been trying to think about what my favorite lines of the past decade would be. Problem is, the last decade's gone by so fast, I'm not completely sure which lines came out after 2000. I'll have to give it some more thought.
I know the EMCE stuff would definitely show up on my list, as well.
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