That's right, the weatherman is predicting snow in South Central Texas, hell may have just frozen over. I will believe it when I see it, last time we had snow here it was 1985, 26 years ago. and I am talking snow that actually stuck. They say conditions are right, but I have heard that before, either way I will be at home tomorrow either playing in the snow or thawing the outside faucets out, who knew that if you had them wrapped, twice, they would still freeze over! The past few nights it has gotten down to 16º degrees, two nights in a row. I know that is cake for my readers up north, but I would like to see you laugh in July and August when we hit the 30th day in a row of over 100º plus temperatures.
Even though these little guys do not see much action around these parts the Empire saw fit to assign a snow equipped outfit to the South Central Texas Garrison and they are officially on stand by. The rookie with the riffle is particularly excited for a chance to play in the snow. Believe it or not these guys even have an AT-AT at their disposal.
So with fingers crossed and a vacation day all queued up I am with these guys hoping we get some of the white stuff... even if it's only for the day.
Pffft.... we break out the suntan lotion when it's 16 degrees.
Hope you get to play in the snow!
Good luck, Chunky B! And have fun playing in the wintery white!
call this: "an stupid way to see good things in a bad thing", but just relax CB, this weather is the best for ur special purpose of this month... cuz u need cold blood to look at a toy & ignore it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... i know it was a bad joke but i’m just leaving a bad cold & my brain is not at its best...
Enjoy the snow day buddy and no ordering toys online! lol.
You can take all the snow we're expecting in the next 4 days! I'm joining in on the no buying toys for Feb. It's already the 4th, and I haven't bought anything. Let's see if I can tough it out with the rest of you. I'll let you know if I break. Maybe it's time to open some of the still carded toys I have(maybe). :)
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