Pay no attention to him folks, he gets a little carried away... I hired this Jawa to liquidate some of my collection and he goes a little wild. "What? Back up, liquidate the collection? What are you talking about!"
Well, a few things have made me realize I have way too much stuff clogging the arteries of the Eclectorama Archive, that week of nothing but Darth Vader was one, I know, I know, you can never really have too much of Darth Vader, second I can't even work in my home studio because of the stacks and stacks of toys. Finally, three and most important we are expecting a new member of the family, who will need the room for their very own.
What does that mean to my devoted fans and readers? Well, not much, I will still maintain a pretty nice Toy collection to talk about and I plan on picking up a few new items here and there, maybe not in the volume of the past, but still a few little tidbits. I will also have another reason to visit the toy stores and not look like a creepy old dude trolling the toy aisles. I also plan on getting back into some of my art projects and hopefully post those as well. Plus we still have Spockcation going on!
So, because the garage is my next project and is way too cluttered to host a live garage sale, I thought why not open it up to everyone. If you know anyone interested in some good deals (I'm starting everything at .99¢) then feel free to send them my way. I am going to try and add new things every week and I will leave the link up on the side as long as I have stuff going out. I'm going to ship everywhere so if you are out of the U.S. and are interested drop me a line at the ebay site and I'll find out the shipping to wherever.

Well, back to the blog, I'm going to let the Jawa do his thing.
You could just pack up anything and everything you own that is Batman related and mail it to me - saves time and money - and think of all the spaceyou could clear! ;)
But seriously - congrats on the new upcoming member of the CB family!
I'll keep an eye on that eBay link for cure :)
I meant "for sure."
There is no cure for my toy addiction.
Thanks, If I run into any Batman items I'm willing to part with I will keep you in mind.
Speaking of no cure, I picked up a small, mind you, small Batman Brave and the Bold Mini figure set last night... again mini (in case my wife is reading this ; )
Interesting! But you only allow to ship to US only...
I have been thinking the same thing lately. Its amazing how fast collections can get out of control. I hope to move soon to a home with lots of storage space. Hopefully then I can see everything at once and start letting go of some of the older things I don't think of too often.
@LEon- I tried to set the international shipping but I am having trouble getting it to work, I'll keep playing with it, in the mean time drop me an email if you see something you want to know the shipping and I can figure it out. Besides I need to get your address so I can send you something anyway.
@Dan- I don't think you can ever have enough room being a collector :)
We moved into our house 12 years ago and I had three totes of toys and a box, now I could fill about 30 totes. That's not counting the 4 or 5 garage sales were I sold about 3 large boxes of stuff each time.
I've been focusing more on the different lines I collect, trying to get to the core of what I like.
Congratulations on the news of a new edition coming soon to your family. Don't forget to put aside a box of awesome toys for them.
I trimmed down my collection a few years back it was hard but i am glad i did it... But i now have a "work collection" too, whatever doesn't fit at home is now in my cube at work and its starting to get a little out of hand since we like to make comic store runs on our lunch break...
Thanks Anna, we are very excited. I plan on taking in a few more toys to work to display, build up my work collection, and we will have plenty of cool stuff for the new little one, I'm planning on making some stuff myself .
I miss the lunch time toy/comic runs, I'm the only one in the art department and there are no other comic nerds at my company, at least this location, plus it kinda blows that the closest store to our current location is a Walmart, blah...
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