I tend to not get too overly excited about new toys, because most of the time it's repaints, rehash, blah blah blah. Plus lets face it, it's just toys. Now when EMCE announced they would make the "Retro Cloth" Star Trek Figures, I got excited because of the possibility of having new characters included with future releases and the chance to get some figures I couldn't get as a child (at prices that wouldn't break me, as well). Granted they are rehash in that they are reproductions of MEGO figures, but exciting non the less. The figures themselves are coming from a somewhat new company (along with Diamond Select Toys), which is exciting just because you are seeing it all unfold, but the big two really don't do much to surprise me these days. Sure they are making the Aquasub or churning out more clones and Jedi than you can shake a stick out. GI JOE resurfaced last year in 3 3/4 form, the Joker (one of my favs) is getting featured in a movie again meaning more Joker toys are on the way, but nothing that is not expected or to get me wanting something and wishing I was a kid again.
Then, a few weeks ago I started following a rumor that one of the coolest ships in the galaxy was getting a re make, a chance to be more than what it was the first time, or for that matter the second time it was released. Larger scale, more features, and more detail. It even comes from one of the big two! I saw the first "leaked" picture of it today (note it is still being debated if it is real or not) and I just sat for a second thinking how cool this toy is, and in a year that I said I was finished, and was thinning down my collection, I suddenly found my self prioritizing in my mind purchases for the next few months with the one goal... to own this thing.
So click
here or the "sneak peek" picture below to see one of the coolest ships and or toys around. Better hurry, it might not be up for long...