Not a figure per se, but rather a vehicle with a little Joker figurine inside. The awesome laughing fish shaped Joker Mobile! Does the Joker Mobile have a theme song? If so insert it here, I'll wait...
Okay, released around 2004-2005, the Joker Mobile was from a great series of die cast vehicles featuring Batman and his villains. The company responsible, Corgi, one of the kings of die cast. Not only did Corgi release almost every incarnation of the Batmobile known (they left out movies and the Barris) but the did cars for Catwoman, Two Face, Killer Moth (thanks Jay!), Batman's little buddy Robin, and the Joker.
Each one seemed to have a cool little feature, Joker's was you pushed in the smile on the front of the car and the canopy would spring open. Another cool little bonus was there is a relief of the character on the bottom of the car.
I wish Corgi would have kept the license for these so we could have gotten more of the Bat Vehicles, they seemed to be hitting all the comic versions of the Batmobile, so I kept hoping that the Bat Tank from the Dark Knight Returns would have popped up, Wouldn't that have been cool?
I'm happy to have gotten a hold of the Joker Mobile, Just looking at that grill makes me all smiles!
it kind of look like it says "OJO" on the side. more of the Joker's trickery??
When these were being released Corgi's website asked for suggestions on future releases. I suggested the Bat Tank from the Dark Knight.
Sadly, I don't think sales were strong enough to sustain the line.
pretty cool joker mobile...i think it was killer moth that you mentioned...
I'm sorry I just can't call him Killer Moth, I think it and read it, but it always comes out moth man...
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