Toys R Us, online and in stores, has the standard version of the 1966 Batmobile on sale until the 31st of October! I know I'm probably a bad Bat Fan, waiting this long to pick one up, but I just couldn't pull the trigger on the original $ 39.99 price tag. I'm thinking there might be a few other Batfans out there that might find this info useful as well.
Second, our buddy at Open the Toy, LEon, has a Photohunt posted featuring our traveling Spock and a photo snapped by Sarah Pierce. It's a challenge and some fun so drop by and give it a try. Tell him Spock sent ya!
Thanks for the heads-up!! That's a great price on a must-have item!
Thanks for the heads up. Did you manage to get one for yourself?
Hope the photohunt is not too difficult for you. :)
Oh yeah I picked one up the day the ad ran. I think I'll use it to an intro to Batmobile Week or something...
Worth every penny!
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