Okay so I've been out a while, this is what I like to call "Catalog Season". The company only does one catalog a year (though this year we actually did two) and most designers know that a catalog is a lot of work, not a big deal, just a lot of work. Now not to sound like I'm whining or anything, but I have to shoot the entire thing, process the images, do any illustrations, lay it out and then get it ready to print. This year I was behind due to some other projects so the time I usually take to lay it out was cut in half... anyway now it's done and I'm going to try to get back up to speed on the ole' blog. So I thought I would start with a heavy hitter, at least in my book. A new member of the Eclectorama Collection none other than...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
MEGO IRON MAN!!!!I have been wanting a Mego Iron Man since I was little. I remember seeing his picture on a box or on a store display when I was just a lad. I knew Mego Spidey and Mego Captain America needed this guy too. I was so confident that I would get him one day that I would tell my friends that their Megos were in trouble when he finally arrives. Which goes to show you don't count your Megos before they are bought.
So fast forward to 2008, some thirty plus years later and I finished a large freelance project and was eyeing that Hot Toys Bank Robber Joker, when this guy flew across my radar. So the Joker had to wait for another day as I set to watching Iron Britches on Ebay. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever and when the time was right I struck and low and behold I was the new owner of a Mego Iron Man!

Now my Mego readers will have to tell me if he looks original or not, I always have my suspicions, but he looks pretty damn close to original to me and I don't think I would like him any less if there were some reproduction parts on him. I tell you Mego Iron Man is one of the end all be all Iron Man figures and he has a permanent place on my desk and my collection, always in sight. I'll probably be buried with him!

So look out Bobo, Randy, and Snuffy. I finally have my Iron Man and I will be looking you guys up for some battles, Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Man I hope they still have their Megos, that would be awkward...